Evangelical Missions Quarterly: Volume 53 Issue 4


The Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ) is a professional journal serving the worldwide missions community and is the newest resource of Missio Nexus. This is Volume 53 issue 4 of EMQ released October 2017.


Partner: Missio Nexus

Resource Description

Table of Contents:


A Second Look: Gratitude

Beyond ‘People Groups’: Why the Term ‘Communities’ May Be Preferable

Managing Trauma’s Effects on the Practitioner (as tested and tried in Rwanda)

Deliberately Dependent: Lessons from Costa Rica about Community & Leaning on God and Others

Reflections on Short-Term Missions

Touching the Heart of Gulen: Gospel Pathways for Reaching the Movement

Soils for Church Growth: What the Research Says about Persecution, Wealth, and Happiness

The Gospel in a Plural World: Interrogating the Relationship between Proclamation and Compassion

Engaging Sinbad City: What Research Shows About God’s Work among Workers in the Muslim World

The Importance of Using Indigenous Languages

The Latin America Missionary Family: Challenges and Blessings

Walking Through ‘Samaria’: Incarnational Gospel Witness in Mexico

Mutually Transformative Power of the Gospel Through Medicine in China

When Endings Lead to Opportunities: Lessons from the Closing of Global Mapping International


Christianity and Religious Plurality: Historical and Global Perspectives, Wilbert R. Shenk and Richard J. Plantinga, eds.

Crossing Cultures in Scripture: Biblical Principles for Mission Practice, Marvin Newell

Leading with Story: Cultivating Christ-centered Leaders in a Storycentric Generation, Rick Sessoms

Living among the Breakage: Contextual Theology-Making and Ex-Muslim Christians, Duane Alexander Miller

Christian Mission & Economic Systems: A Critical Survey of the Cultural and Religious Dimensions of Economies by John Cheong and Eloise Hiebert Meneses, eds.

Serving God in a Migrant Crisis: Ministry to People on the Move by Patrick Johnstone with Dean Merrill

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