Positive and Negative Coping Strategies

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  • Approximate Time Commitment: 10 minutes
  • Partner: Grow2Serve

Adjusting to a new culture can be difficult. This article is an optional resource from the CIT Next online course Culture Shock. The resource is a list of coping strategies from a medical provider.

Are you past the fun and now into the challenges of living and ministering in a new culture? There are some good principles that you can put into practice as you seek to weather culture shock and adapt well to the place where God has sent you. Survival is not the goal; rather, the goal is to allow God to grow you in a way that prepares you to understand and love others around you. Cultural Shock may be just the course that will help.

For more information about the Culture Shock course and to register, visit here: www.grow2serve.com/ca

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For more Culture Shock Resources

Partner: Grow2Serve

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Most literature on stress management will refer to both positive and negative coping strategies. Sometimes the list is divided mostly by what is socially acceptable and what is not. So culture actually plays into this conversation in another way. Take a look at this resource from a health provider and make your own determination as to whether such a list is helpful or not.
Hale Heathcare Coping Strategies.


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