Pray for Your Missionaries

Job Aid
  • Approximate Time Commitment: 3 minutes
  • Partner: SEND International

Pray for Missionaries was originally taken from Send International. This resource is a list of things to pray for each day for missionaries around the world.

Partner: SEND International

Resource Description


Spiritual Life – Sunday

Consistent times of prayer and learning from Scripture
Meaningful worship and fellowship times
Fruit of the Spirit
Victory over Satan
Commitment to the purpose of their ministry

Ministry – Monday

A work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of non-believers
Boldness to share Jesus
Evangelistic contacts
Ministry opportunities
Wisdom in the use of time, resources, and energy

Family – Tuesday

Strong marriage/ strong singlehood
Needs of the children
Support from family at home
An example for believers and unbelievers

Relationships with co-workers – Wednesday

A spirit of cooperation on the team
Eagerness to submit to and learn from each other
Genuine interpersonal relationships
Willingness and wisdom to confront in a loving way

Place of Service – Thursday

The political and economic situation
Growth of the national church in that region
Visas and continued residency for missionaries
Safety for Christian workers

Ability to Communicate – Friday

Diligence in life-long language study
Friends to help with language and culture
Willingness engage with people even when language is weak
Cultural sensitivity to host culture and co-workers
Communication with family, supporters, and teammates

Physical Needs – Saturday

Health, safety, medical care
Emotional stability
Housing, schooling, transportation
Contentment in all things


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