Foster Movement – Episode 12: Finding Your Fit in Foster Care

  • Approximate Time Commitment: 45 minutes
  • Partner: Christian Alliance for Orphans

In this episode, Tyrone Flowers shares his story of growing up. Tyrone’s early life was full of hardship as he entered foster care at the age of seven and was moved between four different foster care placements in his early years. In high school, Tyrone repeatedly heard the message that he would fail in life and end up dead or in jail. He discusses with us the impact those words had on his life and how he wants to alter those messages for youth today. Another tragedy struck Tyrone as a teenager. Listen as he shares how he lived through that tragedy and learned about forgiveness. From Tyrone’s story, we can gain tremendous insight into foster care and living life with hope.

Then, we are joined by seven different guests. Inspired by Tyrone’s belief that we can all be a piece in the puzzle of a foster child’s life, we will listen to seven different individuals who each play a different role in the foster care journey. As they share, consider which role you may identify with and which piece of the puzzle you may be!

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Partner: Christian Alliance for Orphans

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