Foster Movement – Episode 13: Cultivating Hope in Foster Youth

  • Approximate Time Commitment: 45 minutes
  • Partner: Christian Alliance for Orphans

In this episode, Chardonnay Rosa shares with us the stories and experiences that shaped her childhood. She describes how her early life was filled with chaos, uncertainty, and hurt. When Chardonnay was 14, she learned, through the words of others, that she had a voice regarding her circumstances and she chose to call CPS and enter foster care. From a young age, Chardonnay always had a sense that her life would be different. She clung to that hope until a church, and the message it shared with her, helped to make that hope a reality. Listen with us as Chardonnay shares about the hardship she endured, but the hope that brought her through those difficult moments.

Then, we are joined by filmmakers and foster care advocates, Nathanael and Christina Matanick. Nathanael and Christina are foster and adoptive parents and are the creators of the short films Removed and Removed, Part 2. The Matanicks tell us why they have chosen to share the stories of youth in foster care and how they make hope integral in their storytelling and in their own home.

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Partner: Christian Alliance for Orphans

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