Good Control

  • Approximate Time Commitment: 10 minutes

Sustainable Resilience gives you tools for understanding what resilience looks like in life and ministry. This video of Mark and Julie from Grow2Serve is one element from the online course Sustainable Resilience. Knowing about resilience is not enough. We all need to engage as faithful and courageous soldiers. How are you doing?

Dive in to find a constructive relationship between faithful fulfillment of calling and faithful stewardship of self, and understand that these two in no way stand in contrast to each other. If you want to look deeper into a life of full surrender and resilience, Sustainable Resilience might be the course for you!

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Partner: Grow2Serve

Resource Description

Good Control


The “backside” of control are areas where God encourages us to actively and intentionally order some aspects of our lives. And these choices will also enhance our abilities to be resilient when stressors come.

Like the both/and balance that exist in Southwick and Charney’s list between “Moral Compass” and “Cognitive and Emotional Flexibility”, a both/and balance needs to exist in our lives between releasing control to God and controlling those things in our lives that God has entrusted us with the control of.

Some common and difficult areas for needed positive control in the lives of missionaries are:

  • Sabbath
  • Saying no
  • Worship
  • Physical and mental fitness
  • Speaking truth
  • Fellowship

Watch this video of Mark and Julie (1:58):


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Well I am a person that likes to be in control. Don’t laugh. In fact before we turned the camera on it was “I’ll start…okay.” I really wasn’t saying okay, but, the control is an issue and it’s probably an issue for many of us. So whenever you think of the word control, I think of it as bad control, it’s bad, and I need to relinquish to God. So now, we’re gonna talk about good control, which I like the sound of that.

Yeah. There’s some things that God has actually put in our lives where we need to be faithfully intentional about them. And we can’t make them go a hundred percent exactly the way we expect them to go but we can be purposeful about it and some of those things are, worship, or saying no, or speaking the truth, or being in fellowship with others, or caring about your physical body and Sabbath is one of those. So we wanted to kind of use Sabbath, not as the only thing, but as a kind of case study for this idea of faithful intentionality.

So the trick to this is there are areas in your life that we have to be intentional and look at. And there’s other areas that we really, like we’ve talked about before, need to let go. God’s got it. There’s other things he’s asked us to be obedient with. So now this is the case where we need to be in prayer and be discerning and listen to the Spirit’s guidance in our lives. What are those areas in your life that we need, you need, to be more intentional with?


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